Thursday, February 2, 2012

Perfect Pies for One!

Curtsey Boutique Pie Plate Gift Packaging Set
Are you a baker and a crafter? Do you love to give home baked gifts that you've gussied up? I do!!

I can't cook worth a lick - but I can bake like a champ. My mom tells me these use the same skill set, following directions, patience, etc... But I strongly disagree, its way more fun to lick the cookie spoon than the beef roast tester and being an instant gratification type of girl - cooking just doesn't meet the taste test.

But I love to bake and to give most of it away so I don't eat to much of good things.

So look what I just came across - individual baking safe, food safe pie plates!! I am going to make a bunch of for the ladies I visit at my church this month. So sweet just in time for Valentine's Day. They are available in the Curtsey Boutique today.

Individual Pie Plates
Can't you just see all the crafty possiblities with these?

If you don't have time to embellish them yourself you can always pick up the Pie Plate Gift Set in the shop.

Sweet Baking my friends,


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